Hedge Fund Performance and Regulation

The hedge fund industry has taken quite a hit over the past year, leaving institutional investors fairly disappointed with ROI expectations. Preqin, the industry’s leading investment analytics company cited its 2015’s aggregate 2.02% return as the worst since 2011. Preqin further reported that 44% of fund managers reported failure to meet return objectives. The hedge fund industry is no lightweight; globally the industry accounts for over USD3 trillion assets under management. Poor hedge fund performance is a strong indicator of how unstable the overall financial system has become, even though the industry is not considered a market maker. Both large and boutique hedge funds that pursued single strategy objectives bore the brunt of poor performance.

Hedge funds that focused on equity, macroeconomic, managed futures and relative value strategies had the most fund closures for last quarter 2015. Funds with multi-strategy, event-driven strategies and credit strategies had the best overall performance, and a larger number of fund launches. On a positive note, the entire industry saw an increased transfer of capital flows from family offices and high-net-worth individuals in 2015. Evidently, private wealth investors have waning confidence in public capital markets.


For More: http://www.financialpolicycouncil.org/blog/hedge-fund-performance-regulation/


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About Ziad K Abdelnour

Ziad K. Abdelnour is President & CEO of Blackhawk Partners, Inc., a New York based private equity ”family office” that focuses on originating, structuring, advising and acting as equity investor in management-led buyouts, strategic minority equity investments, equity private placements, consolidations, buildups, and growth capital financing's in companies and projects based both in the US and emerging markets.