Author Archives: Ziad K Abdelnour

About Ziad K Abdelnour

Ziad K. Abdelnour is President & CEO of Blackhawk Partners, Inc., a New York based private equity ”family office” that focuses on originating, structuring, advising and acting as equity investor in management-led buyouts, strategic minority equity investments, equity private placements, consolidations, buildups, and growth capital financing's in companies and projects based both in the US and emerging markets.

Getting Donald J. Trump in the White House

A Call to all my global “power player” friends (and foes) alike – Getting Donald J. Trump in the White House.


Good morning folks:


2 Presidential candidates

2 Presidential candidates

Hope all is well and that you’re having a great day.


For all those of you who have known me for a while, you know my stand regarding our 2 Presidential candidates – Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump – and where my affinity lies.


Whether you believe it or not, Trump actually views the world through the clear lens of American interests,” something that he goes on describing as “America First”. He is indeed committed to military non-intervention in other countries except in those rare instances where vital national interests are at stake and also that the United States would pursue a course of positive engagement with Vladimir Putin and Russia.



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Thank you,

Ziad K Abdelnour President & CEO of Blackhawk Partners

Financial Policy Council Event on “Emerging Markets”

Topic: Emerging Markets: Sourcing, Revenue, and Navigating Exit Challenges

Date: Monday May 23, 2016

Time: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm followed by after event party till 10:30 pm at 234 East 52nd Street #A

Location: The Graduate Center / CUNY at 365 Fifth Avenue at The Elebash Recital Hall – On the main floor of the building and on the left as you enter into the main lobby

You can check out event’s full details along with registration procedures in here


Thank you,

Republicans Think They’ll Outfox Trump? Think Again

If there’s one thing Trump knows better than just about anybody, it’s how to make a deal. It’s a skill that’ll come in handy in Cleveland.

As pundits and political prophets focus on deciphering the vagaries of delegate math leading into July’s Republican convention in Cleveland—how many delegates do you need, how do you secure them, how do you keep them—stories abound about how the party establishment is plotting to deny Donald Trump the nomination.

“Don’t think outside the box; think like there IS no box.” (Citing Blackhawk Partners CEO Ziad K Abdelnour.) If it seems a deal is moving sideways because the prevailing winds of circumstance are not favorable, just create a new narrative, a new reality that now justifies the merits of the deal. Simply put, if Trump follows the GOP establishment’s convention roadmap, he’s very likely in political peril. Do the unexpected by drawing his own map, and Trump can quickly turn certain peril into political prosperity.

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Ziad K Abdelnour: Republicans Think They’ll Outfox Trump?

If there’s one thing Trump knows better than just about anybody, it’s how to make a deal. It’s a skill that’ll come in handy in Cleveland.
As pundits and political prophets focus on deciphering the vagaries of delegate math leading into July’s Republican Convention in Cleveland—how many delegates do you need, how do you secure them, how do you keep them—stories abound about how the party establishment is plotting to deny Donald Trump the nomination.


“Don’t think outside the box; think like there IS no box.” (citing Blackhawk Partners CEO Ziad K Abdelnour) If it seems a deal is moving sideways because the prevailing winds of circumstance are not favorable, just create a new narrative, a new reality that now justifies the merits of the deal.  Simply put, if Trump follows the GOP establishment’s convention roadmap.

Events around the world have an impact on Financial Policy, Investment Strategy

Events around the world have an impact on financial policy, investment strategy, trade and commerce, and each of these has an impact on the others. It is time to do another review of global events and their financial impact. This article contains both analysis and my own editorial opinion. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of whoever publishes it.


One issue that has attracted a great deal of interest in news reports is the issue of internal and external security threats to Europe. Much of this has to do with the mass immigration of refugees from the tumult in the Middle East, and Islamist Jihadist extremists in their midst. However, in my opinion, the greatest threat at present is the deepening fragmentation within Europe of public opinion camps – and policymaking camps – over policies and policy-making of the European Union. Three factors are influencing this: the rising power of Germany within the EU; the apparent inability of the regions minorities – and particularly the recently-arrived Islamic minorities – to integrate into European society; and the threat of terrorism, largely from Islamist Jihadist cells within the immigrant population.


These threaten to stall the region’s efforts at greater integration and enhanced common security. External factors that are affecting this are: the collapse of previously stable states in North Africa and the Middle East into failed states; the retreat of the United States from the world stage, both militarily and from its historic leadership role; and the resurgence of Russian State military ambitions and its apparent efforts to resume the empire-building of Peter the Great.


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Thank you,

start up founders are a bunch of stupid people,

I think most start up founders are a bunch of stupid people, inexperienced, arrogant and for the most part terrible at making money.


They have such a high esteem of themselves and their shitty little product that they make me puke. No wonder why most of them never get funded.


My 10 basic tips for all those delusional entrepreneurs if you want to get somewhere in life:


1. Stop believing all the stories you tell.

If you are not brutally honest with yourself, you can’t make informed decisions that will truly improve your company. You need a healthy dose of skepticism to make real forward progress. Founders often highlight what looks good and hide what looks bad. This is fake traction. Try to avoid it at all cost.


2. Swallow your stupid ego.

Startup envy isn’t a good enough motivator to get you through the tough times. Thinking that such-and-such startup was just acquired for hundreds of millions of dollars and you are so much smarter than them is not a productive thought.  Swallow your stupid ego and get real.


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Thank you,

May 23rd for a panel discussion on Emerging Markets

Join us in New York on May 23rd for a panel discussion on Emerging Markets.

Date:           Monday, May 23rd, 2016
Time:           6 pm – 7 pm Networking; 7 pm – 8:30 pm Panel Discussion with Q&A
Location:    CUNY Graduate Center (Elebash Recital Hall) corner of 34th Street and 5th Avenue
                    365 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Only $49 per person
Veterans, AARP Members, Students: $19
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